Saturday, March 22, 2014

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is possibly the most beautiful city in the world, and one of the most photogenic. Every corner you turn there’s a new stunning view of ornate old buildings, castles, churches, cobblestone streets, or vistas over the Vltava River. Other cities have all these things, but perhaps it’s the concentration of them that make Prague exceptional, how in the old town you cannot turn down the smallest, quietest lane and not find it lovely. As an added bonus, Czech also brews some of the best beer in the world. A city permeated with beauty and excellent beer, what’s not to love about Prague?

This was my third time in the city, and a place I’d gladly keep returning to (if you hadn’t gathered). I came here the first time with my friend Cindy while Ryan was in Afghanistan, and loved it so much I brought him back before we moved to the States. Since I’d already done most of the touristy stuff, this was a more subdued visit. Although the walk is steep up to Prague Castle and St. Vitus, the reward is stunning panoramic views over the city and the impressive gothic architecture itself. I went on a couple long runs over the iconic Charles Bridge and along the Vltava, with the city lights dancing in the water, simply enjoying being alive and being a part of the night.
I loved the people I worked with, including a guy who had lived his first few years in Czechoslovakia, then moved with his parents to Australia and back to the Czech Republic as a young man after the Soviet Union fell. The fascinating stories people have. My friend Cindy, the same friend with whom I first discovered Prague, drove from Germany to spend the weekend with me. It was a fitting and wonderful place for us to have a reunion. Catching up with an old friend is just one of those things that make my soul happy.

There are so many nooks and crannies to explore in Prague, it seems like half the city must be underground. Dodge into an unassuming bar or restaurant from the street and you’re likely to find stairs leading you downstairs to a complex of domed, stone cavern-like rooms serving deliciously traditional Czech food and copious amounts of fantastic and cheap beer. Na zdravĂ­! This is my third trip to Prague and I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface.

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